13 Dec PhD forum: A dialogue on design research methodology between Profs Buchanan and Prof Dong
Date: December 14, 2017 Venue: No. 281 Fuxin Road, College of Design & Innovation, Tongji University...
Date: December 14, 2017 Venue: No. 281 Fuxin Road, College of Design & Innovation, Tongji University...
“设计研究与写作”课程(课程英文名称:design research and writing)是同济大学设计学学科的核心专业课,旨在程培养学生设计研究和写作的基本能力,使其了解研究过程、方法、表达,并能够掌握基本的研究方法和写作技巧。本课程面向工业设计、产品服务体系设计、视觉传达与媒体设计等方向的研究生开放,通过课堂学习、设计研究海报和论文的写作练习以及组织学生学术会议等方式,学生从本课程内可以学习到开展设计研究、展开学术论文写作的基本技能与知识,同时提升设计计划能力、对研究方法的掌握和文献阅读技能以及学术交流能力。
Time: 22nd and 23rd October, 2016Venue: College of Design and Innovation,Tongji University, 281 FuxinRoad, Shanghai 200092There is a growing community of researchers of human factors in design worldwide. The 2016 InternationalSymposium on“Human Factors in Design” aims to provide a cross-disciplinary platform for this emerging research...